Thursday, July 26, 2012

Complaint Rebuttal Statement (Submitted: July 25, 2012)

Anshel Bomberger, Complainant
1015 Griffith Street, P.O. Box 1126,
Georgetown, CO 80444-1126
303-569-7933 Home/Fax

Department of Regulatory Agencies
Division of Civil Rights
Linsay Huusko, Housing Investigator
1560 Broadway, Suite-1050,
Denver, CO 80202
303-894-7830 Fax

Charge Number: H20120129

Anshel Bomberger vs. Highline Court Homeowner's Association

25 July 2012

Dear Investigator Huusko:

This communication is to serve as acknowledgement of the correspondence received from your office, dated July 17, 2012 and to serve as my formal rebuttal.

I reiterate and re-emphasis every word in my complaint. I re-emphasize that Sue Johnston is a serial bully, a narcissist, and a control freak; based on her statements to myself while living at:15437 East 7th Circle, Auroras, CO 80011; specifically, "I can see why Kathy left you, if my husband was doing what you are doing, I would leave him too, and we have been married for over thirty years."  For the record, my remark back to her was, "So that tells me you are only in love with your husband's genitals and his hairdo, what about his soul?" As well as, Johnston's remark of; "Real men shovel the walk this way." My response was, "Really, so that is why you are here doing this and your husband is somewhere else?"

As of July 20, 2012, I no longer own property in the Highline Court HOA subdivision. It was sold for $200,000 and at a significant loss to my family and I (original purchase price $287,000). I look as if I am finally free from Sue Johnston and Ina Myers and their abuse of powers. 

Living there was the most expensive unplanned learning experience of my life. Had I known what was going to take place, I never would have purchased property there. I am now an advocate against any HOA abuse (See:  No one should ever be at the mercy of another and their abuses, especially where they reside.

I realize this matter is a legal issue of my word against Sue Johnston. For the record, and in my OPINION, Sue Johnston is a pathological serial bully, a liar, and a narcissist putting the needs of her property value (and using the HOA bylaws as a vehicle to control homeowners),  above and beyond the emotional, psychological needs of the people living there. No one should have rude remarks stated to them from someone that has a fiduciary responsibility to keep her mouth shut and just be kind while in the role of President of the Board. Sue has broken the laws as it pertains to my right (and other families rights) to not have to replace their lawn during a drought. That all is in writing to not be disputed. There are statutes in place to protect homeowners from having HOA's enforce outrageous bylaws during a drought or instill fear if they don't play by the HOA's rules and abuse of power. 

As for the letter signed by Ina Myers requesting me to go before their Board at a Hearing on: 10 July 2012; stating "Your lawn looks like it has improved," that is a lie and them panicking in response to this investigation. I turned off my water and moved full time up to Georgetown, CO; April 28, 2012. That is on record with the City of Aurora, Water Department.  The lawn was worse than when they sent the notice of violation during the drought in the first place. I left because it was no longer safe for me to live there. 

I retreated to where I do feel safe and I am much happier living in Georgetown and not having to live within the abuses of Sue Johnston and Ina Myers. Free at last, free at last, thank G-d I am free at last.

My intent is to make Sue Johnston and Ina Myers culpable for their inappropriate abuse of powers. They started with the Vietnamese family on the corner, nickeled and dimed them out of the equity of their property, abused them in the process; all with the hope that they would one day leave, and then moved on to protected classes that they did not like being there (my family included). I am not the only homeowner that endured abuse of powers and HATES their behavior for what they have done to people. 

It is my hope that the State of Colorado or the Federal Government (HUD), will do a comprehensive investigation of the coercion and what I believe is extortion of many homeowners, not just myself within this HOA and subdivision. The turnover rate of home ownership in the past ten years, along with the fact that no one wants to volunteer for the Board, speaks volumes as to what is going on there. I am out of there and no longer at the mercy or Sue Johnston, Ina Meyers, or HOA abuses.

I stand by my original complaint.


Anshel Bomberger